Three wonderful people (K, N and T) got married. Right now am excluding Saini from the list of wonderful people, as no dollars have yet been transferred to the offshore accounts (anyways, was he ever wonderful? :P). I always wondered why people took photographs during marriage and the only logical explanation (yes, I think too!) my mind could give me was that, it would serve as the evidence of the Carnage called ‘Marriage’. But after looking at them, the opinion changed for the better :)
‘Onsite’ is one term which has been flirting with Manav for a long time (It chose to ignore me for reasons whatsoever). And then there comes the pertinent question - ‘Is that really that important for you to go onsite to prove yourself?’ But the very douchebag’s, who have asked this question, know the answer better. Nevertheless as I write this, he is already nailing that bitch (onsite) As of me, I am living in fantasies. Imagine having to work at Milan (Italy) with Fashion TV as your client and you having to interact with the models there for your requirements (I couldn’t as yet, conjure what they could be) Sound’s good, isn’t it? :)
Let me talk about relationships and Love. I fully understand that you presume, I’d be the last person on the planet (animals included) competent enough to write on this. But nevertheless, let me give a try. 'Love and relationships' are the most underrated, yet THE most powerful word’s ever known to man. May be I am underrating it again, these are not words, it’s a concept. It’s a concept which millions before me have tried to understand, only to realize later that it’s not meant to be understood. It is the most basic and simplest of all feelings experienced by anyone who ever walked this earth. If it’s that simple and most basic, why is it eluding so many of us? Is it like the vast pool of water in the Ocean which is all pervasive, but cannot quench our thirst? Then again as I say “In being simple lies the ultimate complexity!” Quite a Paradox, but that’s how it is!
Imagine you sitting on the shore with someone (don’t visualize him, he’s just anybody) with his arms around your shoulders in an island with no one around. The only things you are able to hear are the waves hitting the shores and the silence of your thoughts. Silence fills your ears unlike nothing else. You are happy and content, with no thought for the morrow. He turns towards you with his dreamy eyes, runs his ears softly around your ears and gently whispers – I Love you. He then carries you in his arms and walks in to the sea. Paint this scenario in the canvas called your imagination and think of a person, who moulds himself in to the one you have just seen. It’s quite possible that you may not know him, may not be the person who thinks you are in love with or have never seen him before. Wouldn’t this make us feel blessed, content and in love with life? On the same hand, It would make us unhappy if we try to fit someone forcefully in to the dreamy character. That character could be someone physical like a friend, a childhood crush or could be just your life. We just need to give ourselves some space, love would nurture itself. Problem is our canvas is full of weird and complex paintings and there is no room for imagination.
I know, I have been ranting all through, posting incoherent and unrelated thoughts as they cross my mind. Aren’t thoughts like that or is it just mine? Again, it’s anybody’s guess.
It’s with a lot of apprehension that I am publishing this and I have decided not to write for a long time to come (not that anyone would miss it). For now, am off to my Den to hibernate..
I loved it (not that anyone would care)... but must say, the train of thoughts that crosses all our minds have certainly become tangible through your post.
ReplyDeleteGod, arent you simply superb in imagining the Imagination concept altogether.
My Favourite Line : Problem is our canvas is full of weird and complex paintings and there is no room for imagination.